The Best Free Vst Plugins 2015

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VST Plugins

Over 400 free VST plugins and VST instruments to use with FL Studio, Ableton Live, and Pro Tools. Includes Bass, Synths, Pianos, Strings. These are the best FREE VST plugins & Free VST Effect Plugins that you can download online. Ozone Imager V2 is probably one of the best free VST plugins as it allows a music composer to have full control over the width of the sounds. The tool has three different vectorscope meters that instantly show the stereo width and help you widen or narrow the sounds precisely as per the project requirements. Best Free VST Plugins. Skip to main content VST Warehouse Over 500 Free and Legal Plugins Best Free VST Plug-ins. FREE vintage compressor with Computer Music Magazine. HoRNet makes high quality audio vst plugins. Mixing, mastering and music production plugins, some of the best VST audio plugins, audio unit and AAX ©2015.

Best Free Vst Plugins 2018

These VST plug­ins are pro­vid­ed for free, un­der the con­di­tions found in the li­cense be­low. DO NOT re­dis­tribute them, or link di­rect­ly to the files. Link to this page in­stead. To use them, you re­quire a com­pat­i­ble VST host, and an SSE2 ca­pa­ble CPU.

List of best vst plugins

All plug­ins Copy­right © Jo­hannes S. Mueller-Roe­mer; js­Comp­Shaper al­so Copy­right © Nick Moritz (Voger De­sign).


Yet an­oth­er com­pres­sor, but this one has the abil­i­ty to morph be­tween soft-knee com­pres­sion and wave­shap­ing as de­sired. Fur­ther­more, it pro­vides pre-/post-em­pha­sis fil­ter­ing (sim­i­lar to a side-chain fil­ter) and a more ana­log-like at­tack than js­Comp (see be­low).

The GUI was de­signed by Nick Moritz (Voger De­sign).


The old, non-GUI ver­sion of js­Comp­Shaper is in­com­pat­i­ble with the cur­rent ver­sion. You can get it here: x86, x64


My first plug­in. A sim­ple hard-knee com­pres­sor fol­lowed by a switch­able brick­wall lim­iter. A short, po­ten­tial­ly in­com­plete man­u­al can be found here.



Download Vst Plugins Free

A sim­ple fad­er/pan plug­in. For the rea­sons be­hind this plug­in, read here: http://fo­rum.cock­


The Best Free Vst Plugins 2015 Free


This soft­ware is pro­vid­ed free of charge but the au­thor(s) re­tains copy­right. You are not al­lowed to make any copies or re­dis­tribute this soft­ware in­clud­ing but not lim­it­ed to mak­ing the soft­ware avail­able for down­load or mak­ing this soft­ware part of a soft­ware CD com­pi­la­tion.

You are not al­lowed to sell or to rent this soft­ware. You are not al­lowed to re­verse en­gi­neer this soft­ware.

You are al­lowed to use this soft­ware for any artis­tic ap­pli­ca­tion in­clud­ing com­mer­cial mu­sic pro­duc­tion.

Best free vst plugins 2019

All plug­ins Copy­right © Jo­hannes S. Mueller-Roe­mer; js­Comp­Shaper al­so Copy­right © Nick Moritz (Voger De­sign).


Yet an­oth­er com­pres­sor, but this one has the abil­i­ty to morph be­tween soft-knee com­pres­sion and wave­shap­ing as de­sired. Fur­ther­more, it pro­vides pre-/post-em­pha­sis fil­ter­ing (sim­i­lar to a side-chain fil­ter) and a more ana­log-like at­tack than js­Comp (see be­low).

The GUI was de­signed by Nick Moritz (Voger De­sign).


The old, non-GUI ver­sion of js­Comp­Shaper is in­com­pat­i­ble with the cur­rent ver­sion. You can get it here: x86, x64


My first plug­in. A sim­ple hard-knee com­pres­sor fol­lowed by a switch­able brick­wall lim­iter. A short, po­ten­tial­ly in­com­plete man­u­al can be found here.



Download Vst Plugins Free

A sim­ple fad­er/pan plug­in. For the rea­sons be­hind this plug­in, read here: http://fo­rum.cock­


The Best Free Vst Plugins 2015 Free


This soft­ware is pro­vid­ed free of charge but the au­thor(s) re­tains copy­right. You are not al­lowed to make any copies or re­dis­tribute this soft­ware in­clud­ing but not lim­it­ed to mak­ing the soft­ware avail­able for down­load or mak­ing this soft­ware part of a soft­ware CD com­pi­la­tion.

You are not al­lowed to sell or to rent this soft­ware. You are not al­lowed to re­verse en­gi­neer this soft­ware.

You are al­lowed to use this soft­ware for any artis­tic ap­pli­ca­tion in­clud­ing com­mer­cial mu­sic pro­duc­tion.

This soft­ware is pro­vid­ed 'as-is', with­out any ex­press or im­plied war­ran­ty. In no event will the au­thor be held li­able for any dam­ages aris­ing from the use of this soft­ware.

VST is a trade­mark of Stein­berg Me­dia Tech­nolo­gies GmbH, reg­is­tered in Eu­rope and oth­er coun­tries.

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